Spend a day with me and you'll figure out I love two things - music and the beach.
Now if they only made movies like they did in the old days I could combine my two loves into a Beach Blanket Bingo meets Gidget adventure. I'd even do the acting for free! As long as my "Moondoggie" costar was played by Adam Levine. (I wonder if he knows how to surf...)
But I digress - so last Saturday we had a big weekend adventure planned. Myself and some of my favorite girlies were heading to the beach to veg while soaking in the vitamin D....
As you can see - this is how our great "beach adventure" turned out.
So as we pondered the rain clouds we thought to ourselves, "What do we love ALMOST as much as the beach?"
Greek food!!!
I'm not really sure what the beach and Greek food have to do with each other. So, we sped into the stormy horizon to make our tummies happy as consolation to our beach fail.
If I described how much I love Nikko Nikko's to you, you'd probably be really disturbed and so I'm going to spare you. Here's a picture of the soda cup that warms my little heart.
I feel Greek already.
I asked Jessica and Julianne to look like they loved each other/their food.
At this point the only thing I'm sure about is the fact that they probably won't be making it in Hollywood anytime soon...
I'm also scared because Jules looks like a demented chipmunk. No disrespect to chipmunks.
As I write this post it's started to dawn on me that maybe the above "demented chipmunk-itis" was caused by consuming too much Greek food.
Forget burying me in a coffin. Just fill a box full of this and lay me down to rest, baby!
After we stuffed ourselves to the nostrils (because we don't have gills) with Gyros and potatoes Jessica managed to consume coffee described as below:
"A true coffee lover's coffee. Black as hell, strong as death, sweet as love. Also served with medium love or no love, your preference."
...and then we had to tie her up and throw her in my trunk after she started foaming at the mouth.
Overall I'd say it was a productive day. ;)