Friday, January 20, 2017

It's good to be back!

Okay! Okaaaay!  I know.  It's been 10.2 BILLION years since I wrote my last blog post.  Also, I may have developed an overly dramatic tendency while we were apart.  (Don't ask anyone who knows me whether or not I had said tendency before my blogging hiatus.  They'll lie!)  A lot has happened since the last time I furiously typed a post and sent it into the swirling pool of information we call the internet.  

I finished my degree in justice studies.  I wrote a few songs (decidedly less than I would like.)  I lived through some hellish experiences - one of those involved almost losing my dad.  Life caught up with me.  I let things slip.  I slipped.  So, here's to a new year and more blogging than I've ever done before.

I solemnly swear to the three people (hi, Mom!) who read my silly blog that I will be present this year.  I have so many things percolating in my brain, and I cannot wait to share them.

For now, go out there and do something this weekend!  

Even if that means putting your pajamas on and watching Sandlot while stuffing your face with crawfish.  Is that a bad idea?  Is that lame?  I'm asking for a friend...

